
Saturday 22 January 2011

Ballestas Island pics

 To avoid disturbing the animals and birds, we couldnt get very close in, so the quality of detail is limited.
Many under-cliff caves - ´Sea-cats´(Sea Otters) known to be there
Sealions jousting

Red legged cormorant with peruvian booby
Pelicans and peruvian boobies
More peruvian boobies

Inca terns

More Sealions

Red-legged cormorants
Humboldt penguin

Humboldt penguins

Sealioñs with cub


Disused platform for lowering guano onto boats

Will label this when I know what they are :)

No idea what this is.  Ñigel, any idea?

Turkey vulture waiting for breakfast

Pelican and friends

Pelican crossings

The Candelabra Geoglyph on the north coast of the Paracas peninsula


  1. It looks fantastic. Very jealous, I'm affraid. Would you want to get any closer?,some of those birds look like they would eat you for breakfast.Can't wait for the next photos. Cathy

  2. Hi Cath,
    Bad news - had camera and backup stolen with loads of pics :(´´´´´ including shots of Condors in flight.
    So may be a while before I can get the next instalment up. But hey, worse things happeñ at sea.
